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Team's Research Awards: Heading link

  • Nora Qatanani, Honors College Undergraduate Research Grant, University of Illinois at Chicago –Tracking the Tongue Motion Patterns, Fall 2022.
  • Nora Qatanani, Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award, Summer and Fall 2022.
  • Vaishnavi Vanamala, Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award, Fall 2021.
  • Emily Park, Honors College Undergraduate Research Grant, University of Illinois at Chicago – Characteristics of a Human Tongue using Wearable Devices, Fall 2021.
  • Nora Qatanani, Honors College Undergraduate Research Grant, University of Illinois at Chicago – Development of an Accessible Retainers of Multiple Sizes Encasing, Fall 2021.
  • Shaheer Anwar, Honors College Undergraduate Research Grant, University of Illinois at Chicago –TongueMobile, Fall 2021.
  • Mohammad Merei, Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award, Summer 2021.
  • Manuela Burek, Honors Council Award, May 2021.
  • Manuela Burek, Honors College Undergraduate Research Grant, University of Illinois at Chicago –Development of a Discreet Wearable Device for Eye Movement Tracking, Spring 2021.
  • Heba Sattar, Honors College Undergraduate Research Grant, University of Illinois at Chicago – Wearable Retainer for Anxiety-Induced Bruxism, Spring 2021.
  • Mehreen Ali, Honors College Undergraduate Research Grant, University of Illinois at Chicago –BruxAlert: Discreet Wearable Retainers for Monitoring, Fall 2020.
  • Rudy Calderon, Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award, Fall 2020.
  • Rudy Calderon, L@S GANAS Fellow Research Award Recipient – Testing of a Prototype Obstetrical Medical Device for Autotransfusion in Life-Threatening Postpartum Hemorrhage, Spring 2020.
  • Mehreen Ali, Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award, Spring 2020.
  • Allison Bayro, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program, May 2020.
  • Ameera Lodhi, Honors College Undergraduate Research Grant, University of Illinois at Chicago – Prevention and Therapy of Temporomandibular Disorders Through Discreet Wearable Technology, Spring 2019.
  • Allison Bayro, Honors College Undergraduate Research Grant, University of Illinois at Chicago – Integration of Inductive Charging in a Discreet Wireless Assistive Device, Spring 2019.
  • Allison Bayro, Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award, Spring 2019 through Fall 2020.
  • Lauren Craig, Honors College Undergraduate Research Grant, University of Illinois at Chicago – Development of a Wearable Device for the Detection of the Diabetics’ Disease, Fall 2018.
  • Gregory Roytman, Honors College Undergraduate Research Grant, University of Illinois at Chicago – Testing of a Prototype Obstetrical Medical Device for Autotransfusion in Life-Threatening Postpartum Hemorrhage, Fall 2015.
  • Tiana Wong, Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, 2015.

Team's Entrepreneurial Awards: Heading link

  • VentureWell E-team Program Stage 1, BruxAlert, Jan 2020.
  • BruxAlert team amongst Finalists at Johns Hopkins Healthcare Design Competition, May 2020.
  • University of Illinois at Chicago Start-Up Competition, First Place, May 2017.
  • VentureWell E-team Program Stage 1, Tongue Computer Interface, Jan 2017.

Team's Other Awards and Achievements: Heading link

  • Karla Salcedo Diaz, College of Engineering Graduate Students Award for Teaching Assistance Excellence, Spring 2022.
  • Manuela Burek, Honors Council Award for Honors Capstone Research, $500, May 2021.
  • Manuela Burek, Amongst Maurice Prize Finalists, May 2021.
  • Biomedical Engineering Symposium, 2nd place for graduate student presentation and 3rd for undergraduate student presentation, 2021.
  • Giulia Soresini M.S., UIC Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation Award, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2020.
  • Allison Bayro, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program, May 2020.
  • Mary Ann Metzger, Kholoud Baste, and Joseph Striblen, College of Engineering Expo Recognition Award for the Best Prototype in Biomedical Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2019.
  • Nicholas Marjanovic, Best Paper Nominee at IEEE EMBC Conference, Wireless Wearable User Interface Cursor-Controller (UIC-C), Jeju, Korea, 2017.
  • Kevin Kerr, Maurice Prize, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2017.
  • Nicholas Marjanovic, College of Engineering Travel Award, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2017.
  • Sam Dreyer, Fifty for the Future 9th Annual Celebration, 2015.
  • Tiana Wong, Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, 2015.

Dr. Esmailbeigi's Awards: Heading link

  • The Undergraduate Student Government Faculty Open Educational Resources Leadership Award, 2024.
  • Piergiorgio L.E. Uslenghi Global Engagement Emerging Leader Faculty Award, 2024.
  • Award of Excellence in Teaching, College of Engineering, 2023.
  • Nuveen International Development Award, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2022 & 2023.
  • Teaching Recognition Program Award, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2022.
  • Award of Excellence in Teaching, Runner up, College of Engineering, 2022.
  • Grace Hopper Celebration Scholar, 2022.
  • College of Engineering Advising Award, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2021.
  • College of Engineering Advising Award, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2020.
  • Thesis Advisor to the UIC Outstanding Thesis and Dissertation Award of 2020 – awarded to Giulia Soresini for distribution of “Analysis of the Tongue’s Free-Exploration Pattern using an Oral Wearable Device.”
  • Recipient of the Industry Showcase Award for HideIT Wearable Innovations Inc., The 16th IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, Chicago, IL, May 2019.
  • 1871 + IHCC Partnership – Cohort 4 StartUP Scholarship
  • College of Engineering Teaching Award, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2018.
  • Best New EMBS Student Chapter Award, given to the IEEE EMBS UIC Student Branch, Role: Faculty Advisor, 2018.
  • Teaching Scholar, Center for Advancement of Teaching-Learning Communities, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2018.
  • Teaching Recognition Program Award, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2017.
  • Research Advisor for the Best Paper nominee at IEEE EMBC Conference, Student author: Nicholas Marjanovic Wireless Wearable User Interface Cursor-Controller (UIC-C), Jeju, Korea, 2017.
  • Teaching Scholar, Center for Advancement of Teaching-Learning Communities, 2017.
  • College of Engineering Advising Award, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2017.
  • Nuveen International Development Award, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2016.